Build Successful Health & Life Sciences Software
on the InterSystems Platform

Why Develop With Anything Less?
No other software platform has been so widely used and successfully deployed for HIT development. InterSystems IRIS for Health, a comprehensive, cloud-first data platform, along with its predecessors, is the basis for software that manages over a billion health records globally. It is at the heart of some of the most successful commercial healthcare solutions, like Epic’s EMR and 3M’s Encompass 360.
Some of the largest clinical laboratory companies in the world – companies like Sonic, Labcorp, and Bioreference – have based their internal management systems on our platform. It’s used by startups and long-established players as the basis for innovation, and by providers and payers for their own application development. It provides interoperability and connectivity for device makers like Guerbet and Roche Diagnostics. And we use it as the platform for InterSystems HealthShare and TrakCare.
No other software development platform supports more successful health information technology

A Development Platform Built by Health IT Developers for Health IT Developers
We listen to healthcare software developers, and you tell us things are different in healthcare. You need to understand complex regulations and privacy rules, and to make sure your software does as well. You need to keep up with new interoperability standards – like FHIR – while still managing to historical standards. You tell us healthcare data, terminology, and data models require specialized knowledge, and that a unified data management platform specific to healthcare can make a real difference in your work.
But you also need the same things that matter to every application developer – performance, scalability, architectural flexibility, freedom of choice for languages and cloud service providers, and a strong developer community.
In short, you need InterSystems IRIS for Health, built specifically for healthcare application development by a team that builds, deploys, and supports healthcare applications at scale, around the globe.
All the Capabilities and Competence you Need
InterSystems IRIS for Health is our premier product offering for healthcare application development, but not the only one. InterSystems Smart Data Services let you access the full power of our database, interoperability, and analytics technology as smaller, flexible, cloud-centric managed services that are available from major public cloud marketplaces. Our smart health data services include the InterSystems FHIR Server and the InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service.
InterSystems IRIS for Health | A comprehensive cloud-based software development platform including data management, interoperability with support for all major healthcare standards, including FHIR, and analytics | Developing intelligent, scalable, standards-based health solutions where connectivity to a variety of source and destination systems matters |
InterSystems FHIR Server | Reliable, fully managed, turnkey solution for storing and retrieving FHIR data | Easily adding FHIR data storage and management to an application, including backup and restore, maintenance, and high availability |
InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service | Fully managed, automated cloud services to transform HL7 V2 and CDA messages to FHIR | Populating a FHIR server from data sources that do not “speak FHIR” |
InterSystems FHIR SQL Builder | A tool for projecting FHIR resources into a SQL schema using a unified data platform, a single data store | Perform analytics without moving or duplicating your FHIR data from your FHIR Repository |
InterSystems Bulk FHIR | An integral InterSystems IRIS for Health feature, Bulk FHIR lets you efficiently import or export large FHIR datasets for research, analytics, population health management, data migration, or other use cases. | Manage large amounts of data across different healthcare systems and locations |
Try InterSystems IRIS for Health Today for Free
Technology, community, unrivaled support and understanding of the healthcare market. Why would you develop healthcare software on any other platform?