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How to implement OMOP?

How to implement OMOP?

As you know from our first article, the OMOP CDM is a very flexible and adaptable data model. It lets the healthcare community add more data elements to answer specific research questions or use cases. The OMOP CDM is designed to help researchers do many types of observational research. It is used by a lot of researchers, data analysts, and healthcare organizations.

Implementing OMOP requires a structured approach to ensure data integrity and usability. The process involves mapping existing data to the OMOP standard, which can be complex due to the variability in data formats and structures. However, the strong set of tools and resources available, like ATLAS and HADES provided by the OHDSI community, helps to use and implement the OMOP CDM. These resources include comprehensive documentation, community forums, and software tools that streamline the transformation process.

One notable, but not only solution for transforming FHIR data to OMOP is InterSystems OMOP Platform, a cloud-based software-as-a-service. It is tailored for healthcare research using the FHIR standard. Together with InterSystems IRIS for Health, they help organizations connect to different data sources and work together smoothly. Thanks to these platforms, organizations can solve problems with data mapping and quality. This makes it easier to move to the OMOP CDM.

OMOP implementation – the benefits and challenges

The implementation of the OMOP CDM may be challenging, but the benefits are significant. The standardized structure makes it easier to compare and analyze data across different healthcare systems, leading to more effective research and improved patient outcomes. Despite the complexity, the value of the OMOP CDM in healthcare research is clear, making it a valuable investment for organizations looking to strengthen their data analytics capabilities.

The challenges

Adopting the OMOP Common Data Model is a significant step for healthcare organizations, fraught with numerous challenges that require careful planning and execution. One of the primary hurdles is the conversion of different datasets into the OMOP format. This process requires a deep understanding of both the source data and the OMOP data model, as well as a lot of work and knowledge to make sure the mapping is correct. Each data element must be meticulously transformed to fit the standardized structure, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors if not handled correctly.

Maintaining data integrity during the transformation to OMOP is a significant challenge. Discrepancies and inconsistencies can easily arise when dealing with data from multiple sources. Ensuring that the data is not only converted but also harmonized across different systems is a complex task. This requires robust data quality checks and validation systems to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the information. The OMOP model's technical complexity makes this process even harder. It needs a lot of knowledge to manage and combine the different parts well.

The adoption of OMOP can be a resource-intensive process, requiring a significant investment in both personnel and technology. Organizations must recruit or train staff with the necessary expertise to implement and manage the OMOP data model. The technical infrastructure required to support OMOP can also be complex, requiring careful planning and ongoing maintenance. Organizations must consider the potential for vendor lock-in when selecting the tools and platforms to support their OMOP implementation.

The challenges of OMOP implementation are significant. However, InterSystems IRIS for Health is a powerful, scalable, and flexible platform that can help transform FHIR data into the OMOP common data model. By using InterSystems OMOP Platform to support OMOP, healthcare organizations can reduce the complexity of implementation, making it easier and efficient. Despite the challenges, the value of OMOP in healthcare research is clear. The investment is worth it for organizations that are committed to improving patient outcomes and advancing medical knowledge.

InterSystems OMOP Platform: changing FHIR data to OMOP

The InterSystems OMOP Platform streamlines data acquisition from EHR systems. The data pipeline automation captures EHR data and simplifies the process of creating research for positives for secure storage. The InterSystems OMOP Platform looks at FHIR data in the bulk FHIR format in a S3 bucket and transforms and stores the data in the cloud-hosted IRIS Cloud SQL instance in the OMOP CDM format. From then, you can use external tools, like ATLAS and HADES that were mentioned before, and perform analytical tasks on your data.

The advantage of the InterSystems OMOP Platform is that it allows easy data and ingestion by applying transformations and performing quality checks before feeding it into an OMOP repository. The data pipeline supports daily data refreshes, ensuring data is up-to-date. This is beneficial for both clinicians and researchers who need accurate data for trials and clinical quality monitoring. A key feature of the platform is that it uses the bulk FHIR format to transform data into the OMOP format. This ensures secure data management and comprehensive analysis. For scalability and high performance, the OMOP data is then stored in InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL.

This harmonization guarantees that healthcare entities can use the full potential of the OMOP CDM for both research and clinical purposes. By facilitating a direct route from FHIR to OMOP, InterSystems OMOP Platform aids in the reconciliation of disparate data standards, thereby contributing to improved healthcare outcomes.

To sum up

The OMOP Common Data Model (CDM) is a powerful tool for healthcare research and data analysis. It can combine and standardize data from different sources. However, the implementation of OMOP is not without its challenges, requiring significant planning, expertise, and resources.

The complexity of mapping and transforming data to the OMOP format is one of the main challenges. This process requires a deep understanding of both the source data and the OMOP data model, along with strict quality checks to maintain data integrity. Also, the technology and people needed to successfully use OMOP CDM can be a big investment for many healthcare organizations. However, the OMOP CDM has big benefits. It lets us analyze data better, do more research, and make better clinical decisions.

By providing a robust platform for changing FHIR data into the OMOP format, InterSystems OMOP Platform solves many of the technical problems and makes the data integration process easier. As the healthcare industry continues to embrace the OMOP data model, the need for effective implementation strategies and supporting technologies will only grow.

By partnering with experienced providers like InterSystems, healthcare organizations can navigate the complexities of OMOP and realize the full benefits of this transformative data standard.

To stay ahead of the curve and gain early access to the cutting-edge tools, sign up for the Early Access Program.

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