The InterSystems IRIS SQL Specialist exam is designed to validate core skills for developers who design and manage InterSystems IRIS SQL applications and operations.
Exam Details
Target Exam Role
- An IT professional who uses InterSystems IRIS SQL to:
- design InterSystems IRIS SQL applications,
- manage InterSystems IRIS SQL operations,
- and load and efficiently query datasets in InterSystems IRIS SQL.
- At least 1 to 2 years of experience designing and managing InterSystems IRIS SQL applications, or expertise in other SQL platforms and has 1 year experience with managing InterSystems IRIS SQL applications.
Recommended Preparation
- Basic experience with standard ANSI SQL.
- Complete all of the online courses within the Using SQL in InterSystems IRIS learning path, as well as experience searching InterSystems Documentation.
- Review the set of practice questions found here.
Exam Parameters
Number of questions: 47
Time allotted to take exam: 2 hours
Passing score: 74%
Language offered: English
Exam format: multiple choice and multiple response. Access to InterSystems IRIS Documentation will be available during the exam.
Note: This exam has a 2-hour time limit. While InterSystems documentation will be available during the exam, candidates will not have time to search the documentation for every question. Thus, completing the recommended preparation before taking the exam, and searching the documentation only when absolutely necessary during the exam, are both strongly encouraged.
Exam Topics and Content
The exam contains question items that cover the areas for the stated role as shown in the KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) chart immediately below.
T1 Designs InterSystems IRIS SQL applications | T1.1 Designs a SQL schema |
T1.2 Designs advanced schemas |
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T1.3 Loads data |
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T1.4 Writes business logic |
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T1.5 Develops object/relational applications |
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T1.6 Deploys SQL applications |
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T2 Uses InterSystems IRIS SQL | T2.1 Manages InterSystems IRIS query processing |
T2.2 Interprets query plans |
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T2.3 Uses InterSystems IRIS SQL in applications |
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T2.4 Uses InterSystems IRIS-specific SQL capabilities |
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T2.5 Uses transactions effectively |
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T3 Manages InterSystems IRIS SQL operations | T3.1 Manages SQL operations |
T3.2 Manages SQL Security |
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T3.3 Uses PTools for advanced performance analysis |