InterSystems Certification Badge
Certification badges represent the highest level of achievement. Certification holders must pass a rigorous industry-standard exam to earn a badge, and extensive preparation and prior experience in the field is required.
Find out more about the
InterSystems Certification Program

Additional Badges
Digital badges for other achievements represent completion of training or participation in an event, demonstrating a commitment to learning and knowledge-sharing.
Please note these badges are not considered certification.
Please note these badges are not considered certification.
Benefits of Earning a Badge
- Publicly display knowledge or expertise in a particular subject area
- Network with other professionals who use InterSystems technology
- Help potential employers find you based on your skill set
Claim Your Badge
You'll receive an email notification with a link to accept your badge once you've completed the necessary requirements. The email also contains instructions on how to create an account in the badging system.
Learn more about accepting a badge in Credly
Learn more about accepting a badge in Credly
Share Your Badge
Post your badge on social media and tag @InterSystems, or add it to the signature line of your email. Keep in mind that not all badges are considered certification, so please share accordingly.