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Gartner Supply Chain
Symposium 2024: Saurav Gupta Speaker Session

In today’s digital era, organisations are all aiming to achieve complete visibility and agility in their supply chains. Data access and reliable insights are key, yet legacy systems and data silos often hinder progress.

Discover how a Fortune 50 company boosted revenue and transformed production planning using a real-time decision intelligence platform. This solution allowed for the harmonious integration of diverse data streams, employing real-time, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, all without the necessity to replace existing infrastructure.

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Saurav Gupta
Supply Chain Sales Engineer, InterSystems
Saurav Gupta joined InterSystems in July 2006 as Sales Engineer and has been working across both technology and healthcare solutions business of InterSystems. He has over 25 years of experience across solutions architecture, enterprise application integration, analytics and software development

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