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HealthShare Patient Index for a Single Source of Truth | Part 2

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Sometimes identity matching requires human intervention. This Tech Talk will start by seeing how that is done using the Patient Index Worklist, and how the Worklist can be configured.

Patient Index can use the demographics it has for the patient to pull together a best set of demographics known as the Composite Record, and we’ll also look at how that works.

Lastly, an identity matching solution is only as good as the data it is given, so I’ll take you through the Patient Index Data Quality Reporting tool that explores the data that Patient Index has received.


  1. Managing Patient Index using the Worklist
  2. Configuring the Worklist
  3. The Patient Index Composite Record
  4. Patient Index Data Quality Reporting

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Paul Dayan
Senior Sales Engineer
Paul Dayan has 12 years of healthcare IT experience with InterSystems, and 3 years in nutrition software development. Before that, Paul was a technical architect with Sage and a development manager at several industrial software companies. His passion is making IT deliver real benefits for customers. Paul is a Chartered Engineer, and has a degree and masters in Engineering from Cambridge University.

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