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TabbFORUM Recognizes InterSystems with NOVA Award for Ongoing Commitment to Technology-Driven Innovation in Financial Services

InterSystems IRIS® data platform honored with a NOVA Award for its high performance, scalability, and analytics, resulting in its innovative smart data fabric approach to data management.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 13, 2023InterSystems, a creative data technology provider dedicated to helping customers solve the most critical scalability, interoperability, and speed problems, has been recognized by TABB Group, the international research and consulting firm focused on capital markets, at its TabbFORUM NOVA Awards.

These selections across the capital markets are based on TabbFORUM research as well as nominations and recommendations from the community. The awards consider the role of innovation not only on internal performance, but also industry impact and leadership. The NOVA Award celebrates InterSystems industry leadership and reputation, as well as the innovative smart data fabric approach offered by its InterSystems IRIS® data platform. InterSystems works with leading organizations in financial services to deliver market-leading innovation to systems and processes, delivering real data-driven business benefits in cost savings and efficiencies.

“The markets go through cycles, but remarkably, innovation is a constant, and it is proving more valuable and essential over time,” said Bruce Morris, chief executive officer of TABB Group. “InterSystems IRIS data platform represents exactly what our NOVA Awards are all about.”

Ann Kuelzow, Director of Financial Services at InterSystems, who accepted the award on behalf of the company, commented: “Being recognized by the financial services community in this way is a great achievement. It reflects the hard work that goes on behind the scenes at InterSystems to deliver technology that genuinely empowers our customers to leverage their enterprise data and significantly improve their decision-making capabilities.”

In their inaugural year, the Awards recognize companies that have made the biggest impact on the financial services market in terms of technology, innovation, and leadership. The NOVAs have been set up to celebrate organizations of all stages and sizes across the capital markets landscape, from the well-known to the newly emerging.

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