Unified Multi-Model Architecture
Within Caché, data can be modeled and stored as tables, objects, or multidimensional arrays (hierarchies). Different models can seamlessly access data – without the need for performance-killing mapping between models. Built-in support for dynamic data objects (such as XML and JSON) enables easy interoperability and rapid development of Web applications.
High-Performance Queries
SQL is the lingua franca for querying Caché data across all data models. Because of its efficient architecture, Caché provides inherently faster SQL performance than other database technologies. It supports traditional indexes as well as bit-map and bit-slice indexes that can be used with real-time transactional data.
Distributed Systems
InterSystems Enterprise Cache Protocol allows a network of many servers to behave as a single data store, dramatically enhancing the scalability and performance of distributed applications.
High Availability through Database Mirroring
Caché Database Mirrors do not require large investments in hardware, support, operating system licences, or storage. In addition, Caché Database Mirrors are easy to set up and maintain, so administration costs are minimised.
Security Model
Secure data-at-rest and data-in-motion while minimising the burden on application performance.
Application Development
InterSystems Atelier is our Eclipse-based development environment for defining business logic and building mobile and/or Web-based user interfaces. It enables you to rapidly build applications using the tools and technologies that best suit your needs.