InterSystems IRIS, our next-generation data platform, gives you more business and technical scalability, more performance, and more freedom of choice.
InterSystems IRIS delivers significant performance and efficiently improvements compared to Caché and Ensemble. Queries run on InterSystems IRIS, in general, are at least 25% faster than the same queries run on Caché and Ensemble, and often much faster, based on real-world tests using existing applications.
InterSystems IRIS shows impressive improvements in database throughput over existing versions of Caché.

InterSystems IRIS SQL optimizations nearly halves the time it takes Caché 2018.2 to execute the same SQL test harness.

InterSystems IRIS is a “cloud-first” platform that scales up and out, and integrates with other technologies faster.
Cloud First
Take advantage of the cloud for your existing applications. InterSystems IRIS is built for cloud-, container-, VM- and OS-based deployment.
Agile, DevOps, or CI/CD
InterSystems enables consistent and repeatable deployment of applications in the cloud, or on premises. InterSystems IRIS containers can also work with third-party provisioning tools like Kubernetes.
Publish, Meter & Monitor Application APIs
Once your Caché or Ensemble application is migrated to InterSystems IRIS, the APIs you’ve authored can be governed by InterSystems API Manager.

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