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Building Trust by Protecting Information Matters

Global Trust

Global Trust and You

  • Support your commitment to your patients, customers,employees, and others that your organization can be trustedwith their information
  • Enhance privacy and security efforts for personal informationthrough our solutions and services
  • Underscore our dedication to deliver protected and securesolutions and services

InterSystems has earned and maintained the trust of our customers worldwide for nearly 40 years. Our software technology and integrated solutions handle some of the most sensitive information in healthcare, financial services, government, and other industries—keeping it protected and secure.

Trust is at the core of our business philosophy, from delivering valuable solutions, to unwavering customer service, to secure and tested code.

The Framework

Global Trust structures privacy and security controls in a framework that can be applied consistently and reliably in any organization. In the framework, privacy concentrates on collection, use, and disclosure. Security emphasizes confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

global trust framework, structuring privacy and security controls that can be applied consistently and reliably in any organization


Collection addresses how the enterprise gathers information. Use addresses how the enterprise processes the information. Disclosure addresses how the enterprise shares the information. In our solutions and services, we align these operations with current law and regulation for the industries where we operate, such as healthcare or financial services. In terms of implementation, we break the process down to effectively deploy people, processes, and technology to deliver the best results.


Confidentiality addresses how the enterprise controls access to information. Integrity addresses how the enterprise maintains current and accurate information. Availability addresses how the enterprise ensures that information is available whenever it is needed. As with privacy, in our solutions and services we align these operations with current regulations in the industries where we operate. In terms of implementation, we also break the process down understanding the people, processes, and technology that best support our solutions and services.

Begin a Global Trust Conversation

Privacy and security are not tangible products. You cannot touch them or put them on a shelf, yet they are crucial to the success of your organization. Privacy and security are attitudes and approaches – the culture you establish—plus policies and procedures supported by necessary technology.

InterSystems invites you to begin a conversation on the culture and technology of Global Trust by sending an email to: Our Data Protection Officer is happy to discuss with you our approach to trust and how we can help you sustain it for your organization.

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