Make Your Laboratory a Modern Information-Driven, Connected Business
The nature of laboratory testing is changing rapidly, in multiple directions simultaneously:
- The scale of testing, driven by infectious disease outbreaks
- More market consolidation
- Greater automation
- The growth of point-of-care testing
These changes have prompted major shifts in where, when, and how testing takes place and results delivered. To deal with these demands and to survive in a rapidly changing landscape, laboratories need to constantly adapt delivery and business models, but it’s not easy with a traditional laboratory information management system (LIMS).
TrakCare® Lab Enterprise lets you move beyond these limits.
Business Transformation and Interoperability
Whether you are a healthcare organization with enterprise laboratory services, an independent laboratory organization or a large laboratory service provider, TrakCare Lab Enterprise enables you to manage the laboratory as an agile, knowledge-driven business, and adapt to changes as they arise. Browser-based and built on InterSystems IRIS®, a single, highly scalable database, TrakCare Lab Enterprise supports business transformation and interoperability at its core, and provides:
- Visibility and control over your processes in the delivery of laboratory services
- Insights to help you standardize and streamline workflows and operating procedures to reduce waste, and lower costs
- Faster, more reliable, and more comprehensive processing and reporting of results
- The ability to monitor performance against key performance indicators (KPIs) in real time
- Accommodation for a high-volume of concurrent users, and enterprise scalability as your business grows