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Alert: Data Integrity Issues with the FHIR Resource Repository

June 4, 2020 – Alert: Data Integrity Issues with the FHIR Resource Repository

InterSystems has corrected a defect that can cause FHIR searches to return incomplete results. The defect manifests because a FHIR update interaction deletes an incorrect resource from the search index. Although the data still exists in the repository, subsequent searches may return incomplete results due to the missing entry in that index.

This defect affects InterSystems IRIS for Health 2020.1 and HealthShare Unified Care Record 2020.1. (In HealthShare, this defect only affects FHIR resources at the ODS. CDA documents and SDA are not affected; data displayed in the Clinical Viewer or retrieved by APIs other than the FHIR APIs are also not affected. For more details on how this defect affects HealthShare products, please see Advisory: Potential Data Integrity Issue with HealthShare FHIR Resource Searches against the FHIR Repository.)

InterSystems recommends that any customers using the FHIR Resource Repository on the affected version update their installations to the new distribution listed below. This distribution also contains a utility to repair the search index by restoring entries that were erroneously deleted. For more information on how to use that utility, please see the technical addendum to this document, Addendum For IF_766, available in the ‘Docs’ section of the WRC Distribution page.

The correction for this defect is identified as IF-766 and will be included in all future product releases. An updated distribution of InterSystems IRIS for Health has been posted for download. The original distribution without the correction was build 2020. The new distribution containing the correction is build 2020.

If you have any questions regarding this alert, please contact the Worldwide Response Center.