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PULSE(es) Blog


abr. 16 2024
Smart Data Fabric
A medida que los datos empresariales crecen en volumen y complejidad, las soluciones han evolucionado.
abr. 05 2024
A CHIME Thought Leadership Roundtable
At a CHiME Roundtable, executives from leading HCOs came together to discuss how they are addressing the shift to consumerism and creating digital experiences that meet – and exceed – rising expectations.
abr. 04 2024
CHiME On-Demand Webinar
Digital Health Most Wired (DHMW) Level 10 organizations differed from all other organizations participating in the 2023 DHMW survey in a few key areas of the survey:
abr. 02 2024
Informe Ventana
Ventana Research recomienda a las empresas que tengan en cuenta a InterSystems en sus evaluaciones de plataformas de datos.
mar. 27 2024
Building a new supply chain optimization platform
Learn how InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator is helping UST in building their new supply chain optimization platform, UST Optum.
mar. 19 2024
Informe de Forrester
InterSystems ha sido reconocida como "Strong Performer", porque proporciona un "data fabric completo que da soporte a cualquier caso de uso a escala"
mar. 08 2024
Casos de uso de FHIR
Aplicaciones prácticas para FHIR y ejemplos del mundo real de cómo FHIR conecta sistemas dispares, acelera la transformación digital y aumenta el conocimiento de los datos.
mar. 07 2024
Encuesta a 450 responsables de la supply chain
Encuesta a 450 responsables de la toma de decisiones en la cadena de suministro de diversos sectores, como los bienes de consumo de alta rotación (FMCG), la logística y el transporte, la fabricación y los bienes de consumo envasados (CPG), la industria farmacéutica y el comercio minorista.
feb. 05 2024
Marshfield Clinic Health System
Mitchell Kwiatkowski, Chief Data & Analytics Officer at Marshfield Clinic Health System, explains the company’s IT overhaul and how AI can be used ethically.
feb. 05 2024
CHIME Digital Health Most Wired Survey
The Digital Health Most Wired Survey and Interoperability and Population Health In the tumultuous landscape within which healthcare operates, the annual CHIME Digital Health Most Wired (DHMW) survey is a significant “north star” that healthcare organizations (HCOs) have relied upon for years. Widely known for the annual Most Wired recognition awards, the DHMW survey provides healthcare leaders a comprehensive profile of digital health usage in U.S. HCOs and a reliable resource by which to benchmark their own digital health progression.
Los exámenes de certificación estándar de la industria demuestran el dominio de la tecnología de InterSystems, incluyendo:
HealthShare Health Connect HL7 Interface Specialist
HealthShare Unified Care Record Technical Specialist
InterSystems IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialist