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Advisory: Health Insight Feeder Gateway Aggregation Cache Grows over Time

This problem affects the following products:

  • HealthShare Health Insight, all versions up to and including 2021.2

InterSystems has detected a minor system stability concern in Health Insight. The system can stop if server disk space becomes full due to a cache slowly filling over time.
The issue is within the aggregation cache of the Health Insight Feeder Gateway which aggregates records across Edge Gateways into a single patient record for ingestion into Health Insight. Streamlets are stored in the aggregation cache during this process and the data should be purged after the completion of each session. However the purge may fail, leaving the data in the cache.

The data is purged if the Feeder Gateway is reset.

A set of fixes are available for this issue and will be included in all future versions of HealthShare, beginning with HealthShare Unified Care Record 2022.1.

Additional Information

Routine monitoring of disk space helps to reduce the likelihood of encountering system stability issues. For information on monitoring disk space, see the HealthShare Monitoring and Operations Guide.

Reference Information

The corrections for this defect are available via Ad hoc distribution from the InterSystems Worldwide Response Center (WRC). They are identified as HSIEC-5574 and HSIEC-5586.