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HealthShare Unified Care Record Fundamentals

Learn the architecture, configuration, and management of HealthShare Unified Care Record®

5 days

Register for a Course
In-person classroom: $2,100/student (a 33% discount!)
Virtual classroom: $3,100/student

Request Private Training
In-person private classroom: $14,000/class (an 18% discount!)
Virtual private classroom: $17,000/class

HealthShare, Ensemble, Edge Gateway, Access Gateway, Registry, Productions

    This 5-day course teaches HealthShare Unified Care Record® users and integrators the Unified Care Record architecture and administration tasks. The course also includes how to install Unified Care Record.

    This course is intended for Unified Care Record developers, integrators, administrators and managers.

    This course is applicable for users of Unified Care Record.


    You are required to have the following knowledge/experience prior to attending this course:

    • HealthShare® Productions or InterSystems Ensemble® Productions experience

    See the Achieving Prerequisites section below if you do not fulfill these requirements.

    Achieving Prerequisites

    To ensure you have the required knowledge of Productions in HealthShare, you can attend either the Building and Managing HL7 Integrations course or the Developing Healthcare Integrations course which will best prepare you for class. You can also complete the self-paced courses below:

    Preparing for Class

    Online courses that will help you familiarize yourself with material covered in class but are not required:

    Course Agenda


    • Use cases
    • Data flows
    • Message flows within Visual Traces
    • Registry
    • Edge Gateway
    • Access Gateway
    • Consent management architecture
    • Clinical Message Delivery architecture
    • Bus architecture
    HealthShare Unified Care Record Installation

    • Installation process
    • Demo setup
    HealthShare Unified Care Record Administration

    • HealthShare portal
    • Administration tasks
    • User management
    • Registry management
    • Configuring Clinical Message Delivery
    • Configuring consent
    • Terminology Management

    Cancellation Policy

    InterSystems reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a class at least 10 business days prior to the announced start date. We will usually cancel a class if there are fewer than five registrants. In the event of cancellation by InterSystems, we will refund any payment made for the canceled course.

    Tuition is fully refundable if a registrant notifies InterSystems at least 10 business days prior to the announced start date. For cancellation received afterward, we will provide a credit toward a future class.