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HealthShare Analytics Solution

An integrated and optimized suite of services

Virtually everyone wants theirs to be a data-driven organization. Yet few have achieved it. Instead, most of us are investing in the cultural and technological transformation necessary to bring the benefits of data and analytics into our everyday workflows. InterSystems HealthShare Analytics Solution, built on the leading healthcare data platform, InterSystems IRIS for Health, helps you realize the return on that investment. It supports you and your organization in:

  • Migrating to the cloud and modernizing analytics services
  • Assembling a smart, healthcare-specific data fabric
  • Embracing real and near real-time analytics
  • Addressing gaps in your current analytics framework
  • Reducing inefficiencies and increasing speed to insight
  • Supporting self-service analytics and expanding access to data

Make Quick Work of Tough Data-Wrangling Tasks

Modern analytics architecture design principles, such as the concept of a data fabric, recognize that there is no one-size fits all approach and that no single vendor can do it all. Yet a cohesive, unified application suite on a common platform significantly reduces complexity, maintenance requirements, and ongoing costs. With the HealthShare Analytics Solution, you can choose to implement some or all of it to enhance or replace existing analytics investments.

The HealthShare Analytics Solution delivers comprehensive analytics capabilities:

HealthShare Analytics Solution technology and data flow diagram
HealthShare Analytics Solution technology and data flow.

Pipeline Services

Whether you have multiple instances of the same EHR, multiple vendors, or just need to bring together the hundreds of data silos that permeate the average healthcare organization, you can connect them all through our standards-based data ingestion pipeline. Our adaptors bring data in using interoperability standards such as HL7 FHIR R3 and R4, HL7v2, CCDA, and x12, accessed via REST, SOAP, SFTP, and other protocols.

Harmonization Services

Preparing your data for use requires deduplication and normalization, plus mapping to standard terminologies and populating a longitudinal “golden record.” The HealthShare Analytics Solution includes all of these capabilities. It also can provide patient identification and matching, terminology enhancement, and deidentification services.

Healthcare Data Model Services

The HealthShare Analytics Solution provides a curated healthcare data model and dictionary for use by report writers, analysts, and data scientists. This patient centric data model spans multiple domains including, but not limited to clinical, claims and social determinants, and can be expanded to revenue cycle management. The data model is extensible to support your organization’s unique requirements, including non-patient data sources.

User Access Services

You can accelerate time to insight by providing data analysts, business analysts, and data scientists from across your organization with centralized access to your populated healthcare data model for analysis and visualization. A universal semantic layer and data virtualization enables access without the need to expose complex data structures, tables, or relationships. Analysts, for example, can access data through their business intelligence tool of choice, such as Microsoft Excel, Power BI, or Tableau. At the same time, data scientists can easily leverage machine learning tools and environments such as InterSystems Integrated ML, DataRobot, and

HSA - Tableau report on population health
Tableau report on population health

Actionable Insights

Insight without action is of little value, so we close the loop by sending results back into your source systems and workflows. This means you can deliver insight at the point of decision, to the right person at the right time. Deploy predictive models to administrators and caregivers within their normal operational and clinical workflows via dashboards, electronic medical record systems, or real-time alerts. Leverage FHIR, CDS Hooks, and other application programming interfaces (APIs) to make insights available within apps by patients, partners, and policy makers to optimize decision-making and inform action.

Sample Screen Capture of HealthShare Analytics - EMR

Analyze and Act on Aggregated Data with Confidence

Becoming a data-driven organization requires reliable, quality data and trustworthy analytics. InterSystems helps you with both. No other company knows the acquisition and curation of health data as well as InterSystems.

Currently, over 1 billion health records worldwide are managed using our technology, and all 20 institutions in the U.S. News & World Report 2021-22 Honor Roll of Best Hospitals use InterSystems products.

HealthShare Analytics Solution leverages over 40 years of InterSystems data management and interoperability expertise to simplify the process of getting critical insights from your data. Insights that patients, providers, administrators, and payers can trust.

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