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Advisory: Potential Data Integrity Issue with HealthShare FHIR Resource Searches against the FHIR Repository

June 4, 2020 – Advisory: Potential Data Integrity Issue with HealthShare FHIR Resource Searches against the FHIR Repository

InterSystems has corrected a defect that can lead to missing resource data in FHIR search results.

This problem exists for:

  • HealthShare Unified Care Record 2020.1.0 b7015

This defect occurs due to an incorrect resource being deleted from the search index. Subsequent FHIR Resource requests against the FHIR Repository may return incomplete results due to that missing index. Any type of FHIR resource data can be lost, and depending on when the defect occurs, the same FHIR request could return different result sets.

This defect only affects FHIR resources at the HealthShare ODS. CDA documents and HealthShare SDA are not affected; data displayed in the Clinical Viewer or retrieved by APIs, other than the FHIR APIs, are also not affected.

The correction for this defect is identified as IF-766,and will be included in all future HealthShare product releases. The fix is also available via Ad Hoc change file (patch) and the HealthShare Unified Care Record kit on the WRC Software Distribution site has been updated to 2020.1.0 b7017 and contains this fix.

If you have any questions regarding this advisory, please contact the Worldwide Response Center (WRC).