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Advisory: Patient data is missing in the HSAA.PatientNumber table

March 23, 2020 – Advisory: Patient data is missing in the HSAA.PatientNumber table

InterSystems has corrected a defect affecting how existing Patient data is handled during a Health Insight upgrade.

This problem exists for:

  • HealthShare Health Insight customers upgrading from 15.03 to 2018.1 or above.

This defect occurs when Health Insight customers upgrade from version 15.03 to a newer Health Insight version.  Starting with HealthShare Unified Care Record 2018.1, there is a new table called HSAA.PatientNumber that stores a variety of identifiers or numbers associated with a patient.

An issue was identified for customers upgrading from Health Insight 15.03 to a later version where data from preexisting patients did not populate the new table as expected. Instead, the 'Number' and 'NumberType' fields for preexisting patients were empty.

The fix populates all fields in the HSAA.PatientNumber table as intended. Health Insight customers upgrading to UCR 2019.1.2 will have the option to run this post-activation step in a deferred manner as a background job after the upgrade is completed and when the instance is in normal operations (e.g., ingesting data into Health Insight). Customers who have upgraded to UCR 2019.1 will need to re-run this step as a background job.

This issue does not impact new data that is coming into HealthShare's Information Exchange or Unified Care Record after the upgrade. The issue only impacts patient data that existed prior to the upgrade.

This issue is resolved starting with version 2019.1.2. Customers using earlier versions of Health Insight can request an Ad hoc .

The corrections for this issue are identified as TH1299, BAW136, BAW138, which will be included in product releases starting with Health Insight 2020.1. They are also available via Ad hoc change files (patch) or full kit distribution from the Worldwide Response Center (WRC).

If you have any questions regarding this advisory, please contact the WRC.