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O společnosti InterSystems

Společnost InterSystems je založena na dvou základních principech: dokonalosti a úspěchu zákazníka. Jako přední poskytovatel datových řešení pro odvětví s kritickými potřebami, jako je zdravotnictví, finanční služby a logistika, si uvědomujeme, že na našich technologiích závisí životy a živobytí.

Proto vkládáme veškeré své síly do vytváření robustních technologií, které dokáží splnit i ty nejnáročnější požadavky současnosti. Bez ohledu na to, o jakou datovou výzvu se jedná, vytvoříme řešení. Protože řešení problémů je to, co děláme.

Další informace o společnosti InterSystems

Další informace, které se vám mohou líbit

srp 14, 2024
Large Health System
A Large Health System built a robust integration platform with InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect in under a year that now supports 1,000 interfaces, 104 million messages per weekday and 136 connected systems.
čvc 27, 2024
eHealth Exchange
eHealth Exchange interconnects tens of thousands of distinct healthcare entities and facilitates over 21 billion secure transactions a year using InterSystems technology.
čvc 26, 2024
The speed and adaptability of the InterSystems IRIS data platform enabled M-Tech to support its customer navigate high peaks in demand and a disruptive landscape.
čvc 26, 2024
Trust (formerly Harmony Health)
Trust uses InterSystems technology to connect more people in underserved communities with the healthcare and social services.
čvc 12, 2024
UST uses InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator to digitally optimize safety stock levels in real time and a balanced production line.
kvě 03, 2024
Seamlessly sharing disparate healthcare data
InterSystems IRIS for Health helps MedAllies provide fast, reliable, and secure data exchanges for millions of healthcare professionals across the country. The cloud-native solution helps the QHIN-designated healthcare information network operator accelerate the pace of innovation, avoid upfront capital equipment outlays, and tightly align ongoing expenses with evolving business demands.
bře 14, 2024
Health Data Aggregation
Jonda Health makes diverse and non-standardized healthcare data more accessible and usable by patients, clinicians, and labs
úno 02, 2024
Integrate disparate hospital trusts to achieve a comprehensive electronic health record using InterSystems HealthShare® Health Connect Cloud™
zář 01, 2023
Healthcare Laboratory
A nine-month migration to InterSystems IRIS for Health with a 30% performance boost, and new capabilities to enhance Pardini’s market leading position
srp 31, 2023
Healthcare Providers
Surprisingly, the top three indicators of life expectancy in the U.S. for a given population are per capita nursing home residency, mental health challenges, and prevalence of tooth loss¹. The income level, access to care, stress, and other social factors behind these indicators have a greater impact on health than genetics or access to healthcare services². However, historically, social determinants of health have not received enough attention in clinical care.