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InterSystems HealthShare Unified Care Record - Fact Sheet

Unified Care Record

Doctor and business people in meeting

Advancing Digital Health Foundation for Better Insight and Care

The health and wellness ecosystem is diverse, with care delivered across a wide range of organizations, geographies, and disciplines. Similarly, the information this ecosystem creates and consumes is diverse, dispersed, and dynamic. A unified care record providing a current and complete view of all the data – clinical, social, and financial – is key to improving patient care and fostering innovation.

Breaking Down the Boundaries of Care

InterSystems HealthShare Unified Care Record helps providers, payers, consumers, social care and wellness services, researchers, and solution developers overcome the challenges of decentralized data by creating a shared, comprehensive, and unified care record. As part of your smart data fabric, HealthShare delivers relevant data from the unified record into clinical and business workflows, communicates across your application and business ecosystem, and facilitates timely action through real-time notifications.

HealthShare data is aggregated in a normalized patient-centric data model so all of it, regardless of source, is stored in a single, consistent format. It can be used to power analytics applications, HL7® FHIR® (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) applications, and machine learning for knowledge discovery. Because it is updated in near real-time, you can be confident you’re always working with the latest information.

HealthShare extends and enhances the software investments you’ve already made. It’s a strong foundation for your digital front door and consumer engagement strategy that lets you pursue new business relationships and integrated care models with confidence. The Unified Care Record:

  • Facilitates machine learning (ML) and analytics with a pipeline of consolidated, cleansed, and normalized analytics
  • Eases the information burden for clinicians and care managers with a single consolidated view of health and claims data intelligently presented to facilitate decision making
  • Helps optimize information flow, automate manual processes, and improve decision making with intelligent clinical and business logic
  • Ensures continuity as you modernize your IT infrastructure by archiving legacy clinical data in your unified care record
  • Informs your outreach and health equity initiatives with comprehensive information, including social determinants of health, about where care is delivered, by whom, for whom, and where there are unmet needs
  • Empowers decision makers with unified clinical, claims, and provider data to optimize strategic and operational planning
  • Supports clinical research and discovery with secure yet accessible real-world data
  • Aids in compliance with information sharing mandates, data standards, and other regulatory requirements
  • Delivers cohort and population-level data in real time to help you reduce gaps in care and optimize performance metrics throughout the year
  • Innovative uses of aggregated, clean data in process redesign, or for clinical research
  • Serving up data for connected FHIR-based applications, including FHIR R4
  • Meeting CMS rule 9115-F requirements with a patient access API built on the CARIN and US Core Implementation Guide
  • Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange, including support for PDex Implementation Guide

Key Features

Longitudinal Care Record
HealthShare includes a comprehensive and extensible health data model and data normalization technology for unifying all information relevant to each person, regardless of its source or format. This includes patient-generated data, clinical content, claims, and social determinants of health. In many cases, the unified care record is integrated directly into the electronic medical record systems used by clinicians and care managers.

Clinical Viewer
Equally accessible from desktop and mobile devices, the HealthShare Clinical Viewer delivers a longitudinal representation of the patient/member record. Beyond what may be available in the EMR, clinicians, care managers, care coordinators, case managers and other members of the team can use the Clinical Viewer to get the information they need.

Upon a patient or member lookup, quick summaries bring the most relevant information together on one screen, and a single click provides details on history, conditions, allergies, medications, labs, vital signs, social determinants, claims, and more. Component-level grouping (e.g. medications by name, documents by encounter type) and date range filter features allow care organizations to address specialty requirements with simple configuration settings. The Vital Signs graphing feature allows users to dynamically configure views, providing patients and providers easier access to insights from critical data.

HealthShare Clinical Viewer can be deployed to support the HL7 FHIR CDS hooks standard, which lets you extend base capabilities with real-time clinical business logic and decision support content to better inform clinicians, reduce gaps in care, and streamline access to critical information. CDS hooks can be used with the Healthcare Action Engine.

Healthcare Action Engine
The Healthcare Action Engine is a patient-centric, low code business logic framework that works in conjunction with CDS hooks in your EHR or with the HealthShare Clinical Viewer. With the Healthcare Action Engine, you can:

  • Deliver real-time actionable insights within user workflows
  • Easily create FHIR-based clinical and business rules with the low-code rule authoring tool
  • Manage the complete workflow from triggering events to decision logic to guidance within a single application

Because the Healthcare Action Engine operates over the full, multi-source Unified Care Record, its logic can be used to enrich traditional EHR-based clinical decision support and business logic. This means you can, for example, create and deploy rules that warn of duplicative testing performed in multiple care settings. Or more accurately recognize gaps in care across all settings. Or deliver best practice advice reflective of the full spectrum of health activities. Or determine whether a patient needs prior-authorization for medication.

CEO, Manifest Medex

Messaging and Event Notifications
HealthShare supports coordinated care across the entire care team, including consumers, with secure messaging and automated notifications. Care managers can subscribe to alerts on their members for events such as Emergency Department visits, abnormal lab results, gaps in care, and missed appointments. These notifications help avoid costly adverse events and align care teams and patients around desired outcomes.

Social Determinants of Health
HealthShare makes it easier to communicate a complete picture of the individual across the health and social care community. It can store, analyze, and share non-clinical factors affecting the overall health of a patient, such as living situation, healthy food availability, or access to transportation.

A Single Point of Connectivity
The Unified Care Record can provide a single connection to national federated networks such as CommonWell and Carequality.

Single Sign-On from Third-Party Applications
To minimize the cognitive burden on clinicians, HealthShare uses single sign-on between an EHR and the Clinical Viewer. With minimal configuration, administrators can add a link in the EHR which takes clinicians to the Clinical Viewer without requiring a second log in. This saves clinicians the time and trouble of having to remember another set of credentials.

Advanced FHIR Capabilities
HealthShare continues our longstanding healthcare interoperability leadership with concurrent support for FHIR R4, and STU3. Our FHIR support includes:

  • Representing all of your data as FHIR resources, and using our FHIR Server to simplify data sharing with devices and applications
  • Mapping between older data formats and FHIR to help you increase the value of legacy systems

In addition to FHIR, HealthShare supports all the major national and international interoperability standards, including HL7v2, X12, and multiple CDA formats, that are used by your data sources.

Director quoted in KLAS Research, Nov 2021

Advanced FHIR Capabilities
HealthShare continues InterSystems longstanding healthcare interoperability leadership with concurrent support for FHIR R4, and STU3. Our FHIR support includes:

  • Representing all of your data as FHIR resources, and using our FHIR Server to simplify data sharing with devices and applications
  • Mapping between older data formats and FHIR to help you increase the value of legacy systems

In addition to FHIR, HealthShare supports all the major national and international interoperability standards, including HL7v2, X12, and multiple CDA formats, that are used by your data sources.

HealthShare’s Management Portal helps you monitor business processes and keep the system running smoothly. It includes dashboards for operations and data quality, as well as tools for managing and configuring patient consent, data filtering, and more. The Management Portal can be quickly accessed via single sign-on based on OAUTH2/OpenID Connect, resulting in secure, centralized management, less password fatigue, and fewer forgotten passwords.

Flexible Deployment Options

HealthShare Unified Care Record is the foundation of the HealthShare suite of connected health solutions. Delivered as a service offering, it can operate as the data aggregator for machine learning or your own solutions built on InterSystems IRIS for Health. It can be combined with HealthShare Health Insight, HealthShare Patient Index, HealthShare Care Community, HealthShare Provider Directory, or HealthShare Personal Community to advance your digital transformation strategy.

When you subscribe to HealthShare Unified Care Record Cloud InterSystems designs, hosts, and delivers the integration platform so you do not need to purchase, operate, secure, and maintain the infrastructure yourself. The Unified Care Record Cloud services include:

  • All data center resources, including hosting, hardware, and network capacity needed to run the solution
  • Ongoing maintenance of all solution components
  • Customer-specific configuration and implementation services to bring the solution live, including building connections
  • 24/7 support for the solution including real-time monitoring
  • Seamless upgrades
  • Sophisticated security and data protection programs

The Unified Care Record is also available on premises/private cloud as container-based deployments or traditional kit-based installations.

Customer Support and Education

When you select HealthShare, you get more than technology. You also get our acclaimed customer support and extensive educational opportunities. Search for HealthShare education resources at Learn more about HealthShare and its family of products at

HL7 FHIR is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International.

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