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Supporting complex trading systems with 100% reliability


Partnering with InterSystems and Tabcorp: Supporting complex trading systems with 100% reliability


Egyéb Források, Amelyek Tetszhetnek

okt. 31, 2024
BLOOR Research Opinion Article
This article from UK Analyst Bloor Research recognises the capabilities and advantages of InterSystems IRIS data platform as an "innovative and powerful data management platform" and it’s Smart Data Fabric capabilities offering a market differentiator.
okt. 23, 2024
Market Note
This report explores how advancements in AI, including large language models and natural language processing, are revolutionizing every aspect of capital markets, from trading strategies to compliance and portfolio management.
okt. 22, 2024
Fact Sheet
Unified Data has the Power to Transform
okt. 16, 2024
TabbFORUM’s Market Structure Wave
In this edition of TabbFORUM’s Market Structure Wave video series, InterSystems Irene Galperin, Senior Advisor, Financial Services, discusses how firms in the capital markets have been investing and experimenting with AI, particularly most recently with the advent of ChatGPT. In this interview, conducted by TABB Group CEO Bruce Morris, Irene offers several use cases and explains that data is at the core of implementing AI, as data needs to be "high quality and consistent," essentially "AI-ready."
okt. 04, 2024
Product Fact Sheet
InterSystems Data Fabric Studio is an essential element of a modern data strategy required to enable growth, optimize business reporting, reduce risk, and support compliance for any firm in the financial services industry.
ápr. 30, 2024
A Semantic Layer Summit Lightning Talk
Harris Associates leverages a smart data fabric architecture enriched with a semantic layer.
okt. 30, 2023
A Global Survey of 375 Asset Management Firms' Top Data Challenges and Initiatives
How Asset Management Organizations Are Investing in Data Management Download the eBook
okt. 12, 2023
A Bloor InContext Report
Innovation starts with an idea and a vision. It takes root through people accepting the need for change, but it relies on the availability of good quality, accessible, and timely data to deliver both the insights that identify opportunities for innovation and the evidence that innovation is producing the desired improvements.
okt. 05, 2023
InterSystems proven technology is used today to replicate data from an operational production system to a “reporting node,” where it can be queried and analyzed without impacting the operational system.
aug. 22, 2023
Smart Data Fabric
As enterprise data grows in volume and complexity, solutions have evolved.

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