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InterSystems Data Platform for Rapid Development, Data Integration, and Flexibility in the Supply Chain

Optimizing the Supply Chain

Woman in warehouse taking inventory on tablet

CUSTOMERS: CFAO, MSC, Paltac Corporation, SPAR Austria, Chess Logistics Technology, Chadwicks Group, Murata Machinery, awinta GmbH, snext

CHALLENGE: Data and application silos, complex partner ecosystems, and periodic market disruptions make it challenging to achieve an optimized supply chain.

OUTCOME: InterSystems technology improves business results by enabling better decision-making; creating streamlined, data-driven, end-to-end processes; and providing accurate real-time visibility and traceability across their supply chains.

Organizations recognize the importance of an optimized supply chain to business success, but data and application silos, complex partner ecosystems, and periodic market disruptions make it challenging to achieve in practice.

Supply chain executives worldwide rely on InterSystems technology to improve business results by enabling better decision-making; creating streamlined, data-driven, end-to-end processes; and providing accurate real-time visibility and traceability across their supply chains.

female developer working
InterSystems data platform is next-generation data management software that complements your existing data and application infrastructure with rich database management, integration, API management, and analytics capabilities to provide better decision-making capabilities and deliver business outcomes, including:
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Supply-chain visibility
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Demand forecasting
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Inventory optimization
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Pricing optimization
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Staffing optimization

How InterSystems Data Platform Optimizes the Supply Chain

  • Simplifies development by providing all the integration, database management, and analytics capabilities you need to expedite a wide variety of supply chain initiatives
  • Eliminates the need to rip and replace by complementing existing infrastructure. It integrates and connects applications and data silos
  • Makes you more agile: you can deliver flexible and customizable applications that adapt to changes in networks and process flows
  • Delivers a quick return on your investment with rapid development, lower total cost of ownership, and reduced maintenance
  • Gives you flexible deployment options by supporting on-premises, cloud-agnostic, hybrid, and multi-cloud development environments and by providing native support for containers

Customer Success Stories

CFAO: Supply Chain Visibility & Optimization
CFAO, a €4.2-billion ($5.1-billion), French, third-party logistics provider with business in 36 African countries and seven French overseas territories

CHALLENGE Address multiple data management challenges spanning real-time, supply chain visibility; customer experience; e-commerce; and support for brick-and-mortar shopping malls

  • Unified commerce
  • 360-degree view of customers for better buying experience
  • New revenue channels created from data intelligence
  • Interoperability among existing applications and systems
  • IT seen as contributor to company success

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MSC: Optimized Visibility and Inventory Planning Insight
MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company), a world leader in container shipping with a fleet of 537 vessels and more than 70,000 staff members operating in 155 countries

Manage, process, and validate large volumes of data in real time and make it available to stakeholders, including customers, via a web-based track-and-trace tool

  • Interoperability among systems of many providers and agencies
  • Tracking of more than one billion shipping container movements
  • Processing of 400,000 container movements per day in real time
  • Optimized IT infrastructure
  • MSC system solutions hosted on cloud
  • Enable optimized inventory planning for customers

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Paltac Corporation: Digital Transformation of Supply Chain
Paltac Corporation, Japan’s largest wholesaler of cosmetics, daily necessities, and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, moving 50,000 items from 1,000 manufacturers to 400 retailers operating 50,000 stores

Adopt a next-generation system infrastructure to enable digital transformation that will increase revenues and improve efficiencies

  • In-store support application, first step in its digital shift, developed in just five months
  • Streamlined customer experience
  • Improved productivity throughout supply chain
  • Increased sales

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SPAR Austria: Inventory Control at Shelf Level
SPAR Austria, a member of SPAR, the world’s largest food retailer consortium, is a €8.3-billion ($9.9-billion) company with more than 1,500 stores in Austria

Create an enterprise resource-planning and point-of-shelf system to help local store managers control their inventory

  • Real-time accurate data ensuring correct movement of stock, inventory, and pending deliveries
  • Flexible scalability for continuous roll-out and growth
  • Improved workforce efficiency and satisfaction
  • Automated weekly demand forecasting for promotions across 1500 stores

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Chess Logistics Technology: Warehouse Management
Chess Logistics Technology, creator of management and logistics computing applications and services in the logistics, food and retail distribution, industrial, and manufacturing sectors. Users include major hospitality, food and grocery supply chain, and food distribution businesses in the United Kingdom.

Develop warehouse management systems combining industry best practices with easy-to-enhance functionality

  • Ability to create sophisticated warehouse management systems rapidly and cost-effectively and tailor them to customer needs
  • Reduced operating costs with improved picking accuracy, productivity, and resource allocation
  • Market-leading throughput, scalability, and reliability
  • Easier analysis, coding, and testing of complex situations and procedures

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Chadwicks Group: Foundation For E-Commerce Platform
Chadwicks Group, Ireland’s leading building supplier and home improvement specialist, operates 50 branches nationwide and employs more than 1,300 people

Transform e-commerce capabilities and develop innovative newservices

  • Cloud-first ecosystem with seamless flow of data
  • Increased customer interaction
  • Rapid development of new services
  • Real-time reporting and analysis
  • High-speed, high-volume data processing
  • Agility to adapt to emerging opportunities

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Murata Machinery: Logistics Optimization
Murata Machinery, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of logistics automation solutions that combine a variety of automated material handling equipment, robotics, and IoT

Implement a foundational data platform capable of high-speed transaction processing and integration of data from multiple systems, including supply chain optimization, equipment-maintenance, shipping, and IoT systems

  • Optimization of shipping operations resulting from integration of warehouse-management and associated systems, such as loading systems
  • Stable operation and high-speed processing of material-handling system equipment
  • Preventive and predictive maintenance enabled by collection and analysis of real-time raw data from material handling equipment

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awinta GmbH: Containers & Devops
awinta GmbH, market leader for pharmacy software in Germany with 700 supported users

Enable cross-site, continuous development and easy deployment of pharmacy software

  • Native support for container technologies enables fast version changes
  • Shorter release cycles
  • Simple and efficient deployment of new features
  • Shorter update times for customers

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snext: Supply Chain Applications
snext is a technology company offering SaaS for supply chain applications

Deploy foundational data platform to enable fast development and deployment while integrating and normalizing data from multiple sources

  • Accelerated and simplified development, deployment, and maintenance of next-generation supply chain SaaS offerings for product categorization, inventory control, and demand monitoring
  • Ability to work with users’ existing systems
  • Integration of data from fragmented systems
  • Scalability

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InterSystems 和英国国家卫生服务体系(NHS)领先的移动咨询平台 eConsult 之间的合作,正在改善初级、急诊和门诊护理的提供和效率。
利用 InterSystems IRIS 医疗版实现的一场数字化医疗转型
四则来自 InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect 客户的故事分享
在美国各地,当需要实现大规模的应用集成时,医疗行业的领导者会使用InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect®。
美国西海岸一家大型医疗计划的首席医疗官要求对任何时候谁在医院的情况有完全的了解。 鉴于该医疗计划在InterSystems和健康信息交换(HIE)方面所做的工作,企业数据和分析总监自信地回答:"是的,我们可以做到。""你们能在六个月内做到吗?"CMO问。 答复是什么? 也是肯定的。
成立于2006年的北京美中宜和妇儿医疗集团,致力于创建国际品质的妇儿高端医疗品牌,为中国家庭提供高品质的妇科、产科和儿科等7大服务。经过14年的发展,美中宜和已经成为全国知名的高端私立妇儿医疗集团,并全面开创了一种崭新的国际医疗服务模式。医院参照国际医院管理标准,制定了一套包含 32 个管理模块,1008 条管理制度的医院管理体系,以系统化的模式管理医院,客观地对医疗质量和服务质量进行监测和监督,并持续改进。
首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院始建于1952年, 现在拥有西城、通州两大院区和1家门诊部,共计近2000张床位,是年门诊量达330万人次的三级甲等综合医院,其HIS系统选用东华医为基于InterSystems数据平台开发的iMedical解决方案方案,集成平台则是基于InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect产品,由北大医信承建。