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InterSystems HealthShare: Connected Care & Analytics

Imagine what you could do if you had the data from care records, insurance claims, medical devices, and clinical research participation in one place in one consistent format. And if it were secure, accessible, and shareable whenever needed.

Welcome to the world of InterSystems HealthShare®.

A Closer Look at HealthShare's Features and Benefits

FHIR-enabled Integration and Interoperability to Enhance Data Sharing
Whether you need to integrate systems and devices across your organisation, or created connected digital health applications, HealthShare delivers the standards-based interoperability you need. With deep support not only for HL7 FHIR, but also for HL7 V2, IHE, and other global healthcare information protocols and messaging formats, you can take advantage of all your healthcare data, both now, and in the future.

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Connected-Collaborative Health Management
The health and care ecosystem continues to become both more complex, and to require better and simpler collaboration between providers and with their payer partners. Which is why the HealthShare Unified Care Record is foundational technology for modern healthcare management.

  • Integrate clinical, claims and SDOH data for population health management and digital transformation
  • Layer on HealthShare Personal Community and HealthShare Care Community to engage patients in their own care and to unite multi-disciplinary teams around a common plan of care
  • Harness the clinical viewer to foster communication and better care deliver by clinicians with more complete health records and with accurate provider team member data from HealthShare Provider Directory
  • Ensure that a multi-source health record is complete and accurate with patient identity management from HealthShare Patient Index

Whether you are responsible for fostering health information sharing across a nation, a region, a community, or a single organisation, HealthShare is there to support better care and outcomes.
Healthy Data to Foster Insight and Innovation
Healthcare is driven by data, powered by interoperability, and requires insight at scale, at the time and place decisions are made.

HealthShare’s extensible data model has been informed by our experience with over 1 billion health records, our experience with payers, providers, health information networks, device makers, labs, drug companies, and software developers. It’s part of our smart healthcare data fabric through the HealthShare Analytics Solution.

We make it available to pair with your Unified Care Record as HealthShare Health Insight.

And in everything we do, we leverage our experience with interoperability to make insights available within the workflows of decision makers - whether providing real time alerts to clinicians, care managers, patients, and proxies. Or adding predictive insights into the workflows of operations managers. Or delivering population health management reports to policy makers.

Insight for better care, optimal performance, and digital transformation.
Scalable, Fast Performance
All HealthShare solutions are built on InterSystems IRIS for Health, the highly reliable, high performance data platform created specifically for healthcare.

InterSystems IRIS for Health
Flexible Deployment Options to Meet Your Organisation’s Needs and Budget
Deploy HealthShare on premises, in the cloud, or as a fully managed solution, including:

  • InterSystems HealthShare functionality
  • All data center resources, including hosting, hardware, and network capacity needed to run the solution
  • Ongoing maintenance of all solution components
  • Customer-specific configuration and implementation services to bring the solution live, including building connections
  • 24/7 support for the solution including real-time monitoring
  • Seamless upgrades
  • Sophisticated security and data protection programs
Northwell Health logo on an interior wall
Jim Heiman, AVP, Clinical Information Systems, Health Information Exchange, and Enterprise Architect for Interoperability Northwell Health
Northwell Health logo on an interior wall

The Who and How of HealthShare

Who We HelpHow We HelpSome of Our Customer PartnersAdditional Information

Healthcare Providers

  • IDNs (Integrated Delivery Networks)
  • ACOs (Accountable Care Organisations)
  • CINs (Clinically Integrated Networks)

Data and solutions to power analytics, coordinate care, integrate systems, and present a complete picture of the patient.

Northwell Health
Lincolnshire NHS (UK)
Italian Ministry of Health, Veneto Region
Mass General Brigham
Sirio-Libanes (Brazil)
More on Providers

Combine clinical and other member data with claims to engage providers, enhance quality, and simplify measurement and regulatory compliance.

MVP Healthcare

Unimed (Brazil)

More on Payers

Health Information NetworksGive providers, payers and clinical researchers the data and insight needed to improve care, reduce costs, and improve health.Manifest MedEx
Dubai Health Authority (UAE)
VZVZ (Netherlands)

More on Health Information Networks

Government & Regional Public HealthDeliver seamless care, improve public health, control costs.U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
NHS Scotland
UK Ministry of Defence
Indian Health Service (US)
Australia Northern Territory Government

More on Government & Regional Public Health

Life Sciences & Clinical ResearchReal-world data and evidence to accelerate research.Biogen
Greater Houston Healthconnect
SMITH Consortium (Germany)

More on Life Sciences

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