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Beyond telehealth; what’s next for virtual care with Kerry Stratton

A podcast from Talking HealthTech

In this podcast episode, we hear from Kerry Stratton from InterSystems, who speaks about innovation in healthcare surrounding COVID-19, including telehealth. He also discusses the concept of value-based care and the importance of healthcare data.

This episode covers how technology can improve the accessibility and quality of healthcare in rural and remote Australia. It also includes the tangible use and value of healthcare data, the sustainability of telehealth in its current form and explores what the future might hold for healthcare innovation.

Key Takeaways:

  • The factors that hindered innovation before COVID-19 and how they have changed. One of the determinants Kerry outlines is that healthcare is quite complex, and as such, doing anything, such as making decisions and gathering and using data takes much more time.
  • The value of healthcare data. Kerry shares examples of how healthcare data is being used and weighs in on whether or not it has been highlighted by the pandemic.
  • The utilisation and reliance of telehealth globally. With the global responsibility for InterSystems, Kerry gets exposed to the various ways that countries use telehealth. He describes some ways that he has seen it being used and points out aspects of telehealth that need improvement.
  • Improving healthcare in rural and remote Australia using technology. Along with technology, Pete and Kerry discuss looking at other aspects of enhancing healthcare, such as internet connectivity and being able to provide care long-term.
  • The concept of value-based care. Kerry explains how true value can be accomplished. He also addresses the possible barriers to health tech innovation and pinpoints how technology may interfere with clinical governance.

Listen Now at Talking HealthTech

This story originally appeared in the October 22, 2021 - OnTrak News Flash No.9

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