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HealthShare Connections News Flash No.9

July 22, 2022

Connecting Data and (Re-)Connecting with People

From the Desk of Alex MacLeod:

To perform everyday tasks, everyone needs accurate and timely data, translated into the right format for use. For some of us the process to get the data we need is easy to create. But for healthcare organizations dealing with hundreds or thousands of employees and millions of patient records and data points, even conceptualizing the information flow process can be daunting. On top of that, the unprecedented risk of cyberattacks means securing data while stored and during transfers has never been more critical. The investment required to comply with privacy and security rules adds yet another layer of cost and responsibility on healthcare organizations. To reduce these costs and redirect personnel to higher-value activities, Healthcare CIOs are finding ways to offload these tasks to the cloud. For data integration tasks, that means moving the hosting and management of the integration engine to the cloud, and retaining interface development and deployment personnel.

I’m excited to announce our newest offering, a solution that helps address these challenges: InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect Cloud.

With Health Connect Cloud, you gain all the value of HealthShare Health Connect’s reliability and stability with the added value of not having to worry about system administration. As a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering, we take our Health Connect product and deploy it in the cloud, managing the infrastructure, operating system, backups, and related upkeep tasks. The only thing you need to do is maintain the connections you want to use.

Personally, I’m most excited about the speed-to-value that Health Connect Cloud offers. Not only does the consumption-based model allow you to pay for exactly what you need, but provisioning in the cloud is all automated and allows you to experience all the benefits of Health Connect literally within minutes. You can find more specifics about our new offering in the corresponding Health Connect Cloud Launch story below. Since Health Connect has a reputation for reliability and stability, that is an additional benefit in times of cost constraints.

In this issue of HealthShare Connections, you’ll find customer success stories from Healthix and MVP, discussing what they have achieved and looking forward to achieving through partnership with InterSystems. We’re also excited to announce our recognition for the Best in KLAS 2022 award for HealthShare Unified Care Record, and share some of our upcoming events.

With the rapid growth in remote monitoring, medical devices, and specialized information systems, there is more to integrate than ever before, even for organizations standardized on a single EMR. Upgrading to Health Connect Cloud allows healthcare organizations to take advantage of scalable and rapid interface development, while minimizing time and effort to deploy and operate the system. As our customers move towards the cloud and look for new ways to provide better care through high-value partnerships, we look forward to continued collaboration with you to create innovative solutions to meet and anticipate your needs.

Alex MacLeod
Director of Healthcare Commercial Initiatives

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