PainChek: Assessing a Patient’s Pain Levels by using AI
PainChek: Assessing a Patient’s Pain Levels by using AI
PainChek provides people who cannot verbalize their pain a voice, especially elderly or children who cannot communicate. Partnering with InterSystems, PainChek can provide this data directly to doctors and patients through their EHR.
Data fabric is a more flexible data architecture that can work without building yet more data silos and instead synamically access data in situ in operational source systems.
Developers of digital health solutions face significant challenges when trying to integrate clinical or business logic into healthcare workflows. The task is complicated by the presence of hundreds of different Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and other clinical and business systems. Recent healthcare interoperability standards such as HL7® FHIR®, SMART, and CDS Hooks™ are helpful, but they still require developers to keep up with these evolving standards and manage differences across vendors and sites - all while managing their core code and steering development of their product.
Implementací InterSystems Smart Data Fabric společnost Harris Associates odbourává datová sila a zkracuje dobu potřebnou k přijímání informovaných obchodních rozhodnutí.
Společnost InterSystems je uznávána jako Strong Performer, protože poskytuje "komplexní datovou strukturu pro podporu jakéhokoli případu použití ve velkém měřítku".
Today more than ever before, organizations are striving to gain a competitive edge, deliver more value to customers, reduce risk, and respond more quickly to the needs of the business. To achieve these goals, organizations need easy access to a single view of accurate, consistent, and trusted data – and all in real time. However, growing volumes and complexities of data make this difficult to achieve in practice. As data grows, so does the prevalence of data silos, making integrating and leveraging data from internal and external data sources a challenge.