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InterSystems FHIR® Transformation Service for Amazon HealthLake

Amazon HealthLake

Cloud-based, On-Demand Message Transformation for Amazon HealthLake

By automatically translating your data from the HL7®v2 messaging format to HL7 FHIR® format, InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service accelerates analytics time-to-value for users of Amazon HealthLake. HealthLake requires the use of HL7 FHIR, the latest and most widely accepted exchange format for health information. Yet the richest stores of data in your provider, laboratory, payer, or pharmaceutical organization likely rest in other formats such as HL7v2. To bring this data in, Amazon Web Services selected InterSystems to build a validated message transformation service for Amazon HealthLake. InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service gives you a simple and cost-effective way to get the most from your data in HealthLake.

Smart Data Services
InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service for Amazon HealthLake is the first of a series of Smart Data Services from InterSystems. Using Smart Data Services you can access the full power of our database, interoperability, and analytics technology as smaller, flexible, cloud centric, managed services. Available from major public cloud marketplaces, you can easily access, configure, and orchestrate them to meet your specific requirements.

Amazon HealthLake

Amazon HealthLake enables healthcare providers, health insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies to store, transform, query, and analyze health data at scale. It provides powerful machine learning models for structuring important health information typically stored in unstructured formats, such as in clinical notes, laboratory reports, insurance claims, medical images, recorded conversations, and time series data. With comprehensive patient data now structured, organized, and indexed in HealthLake, you can use advanced analytics and machine learning models to analyze and understand relationships, identify trends, and make predictions to optimize:

  • Quality of care
  • Population health management
  • Hospital efficiency
  • Clinical research

Key Features of InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service

InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service is cost-effective and easy to initiate, manage, and scale for organizations of any size or specialization.


Helping our customers get the greatest value from health data is core to our business, and we know how important it is to yours. To help you get started, the first one million transformations using InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service are free. After one million transformations you pay only for what you use, with a low cost per transformed message. There is no long-term contract for using the service.

A Single, Simple Interface

The service is provisioned and launched on AWS. Behind the scenes, InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service leverages transformation logic built with knowledge gained from solving data aggregation and integration challenges for thousands of customers and diverse information systems.

InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service accesses data stored in Amazon S3 buckets using credentials from Amazon Identity Access and Management (IAM)
InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service accesses data stored in Amazon S3 buckets using credentials from Amazon Identity Access and Management (IAM)


InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service is fully automated. It checks your inbound AWS S3 bucket for HL7v2 messages, validates the HL7 contents, converts messages to HL7 FHIR R4 format, routes the converted messages to your Amazon HealthLake repository, and monitors the status and statistics of your transformation pipelines.

Access to More Data

You can incorporate data into HealthLake from systems that don’t natively speak FHIR such as:

  • Lab systems
  • Diagnostic and imaging systems
  • Pharmacy systems
  • Medical devices (bedside, wearables etc.)
  • EMR systems

Reliable, Secure, Private

InterSystems manages the operation, monitoring, and backups of the service, which supports HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

Philippe Faurie, Vice President of Professional Services at CureMatch

Learn More

FHIR is the future of healthcare interoperability. But with the most health information still in other data formats, bridges past and future to unlock the value of your data, ultimately improving care and business decisions.

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