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Advisory: XDS PIX Patient Revise does not Merge Document Metadata Subscriptions (DSUB)

This problem affects the following products:

  • HealthShare Unified Care Record, all versions
  • HealthShare Health Connect, all versions
  • IRIS for Health, all versions

When PIX Patient Revise merge requests are received by InterSystems IHE components, patient identities and documents are successfully merged into the surviving patient record.

Document Metadata Subscriptions (DSUB) are not merged. As a result, the surviving record will not receive the DSUB from the subsumed patient record and the system will contain DSUB that do not reference a current patient record.

A clinical safety risk arises if the lost DSUB cause the system to fail to notify the intended recipients of clinical data.

A fix is not yet available for this issue and IHE does not provide guidance on how to handle DSUB after a Patient Revise.

This issue is identified as HSIEC-4944. Affected customers may contact InterSystems Worldwide Response Center (WRC) for assistance regarding this advisory.