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Advisory: FHIR Queries that Specify a Quantity but no Units of Measure Return Incorrect Results

March 1, 2022 – Advisory: FHIR Queries that Specify a Quantity but no Units of Measure Return Incorrect Results

In Unified Care Record 2020.1, a query parameter against a quantity value that does not specify a unit of measure, such as "value-quantity=13.6", returns only matching results that also have no unit of measure specified. The correct behavior would be to return all matching values regardless of the presence of a unit of measure. This can potentially result in some records not being returned in a FHIR search query.

This issue, identified as IF-1389, affects Unified Care Record 2020.1. It is corrected in 2020.2 and later versions. Customers on Unified Care Record 2020.1 may request more information from the WRC. Customers on FHIR Gateways older than Unified Care Record 2020.1 are not impacted by this issue.