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InterSystems IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialist

Object-oriented programming, SQL for application data access, ObjectScript specifics, InterSystems IRIS specific technologies

The InterSystems IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialist exam is designed to validate core skills for developers who build applications using ObjectScript and other InterSystems IRIS technologies.

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Exam Details

This exam will be 5 years old in November 2024, and will be retired on the date of release of the new InterSystems IRIS Developer certification exam. The new exam will NOT be available until 2025. Thus, all individuals holding this certification, and that have an expiration date before Nov 1, 2025, will have their certification expiration date automatically extended to Nov 1, 2025. Information regarding the new developer exam will be posted here no later than May 2025. Please email with any questions.

Target Exam Role

Core Solutions Development Specialist
A development professional who is familiar with object-oriented programming concepts, uses SQL for application data access, and uses ObjectScript specific and InterSystems IRIS specific technologies

Recommended Preparation

Exam Parameters

Number of questions: 62
Exam time limit: 2 hours
Passing score: 66%
Language offered: English


This exam includes the InterSystems IRIS ObjectScript Reference as a look-up resource available during the entire exam. The resource is included as an embedded PDF file and it is recommended that candidates test the compatibility of their system with the embedded PDF by clicking here.

Important notes:

  • MacOS users will not be able to view this resource unless they first remove the incompatible AdobePDFViewer plugins that are installed with Adobe Acrobat Reader and Acrobat DC.
    To do this, remove the following files before the exam. They can be replaced afterwards.
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins/AdobePDFViewer.plugin
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins/AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin
  • For all other users it is recommended that Adobe Acrobat Reader is set as the default PDF viewer on the computer that is used to take the exam.

Practice Questions

This exam includes a set of practice questions to help candidates familiarize themselves with question formats and approaches.

View Practice Questions

Exam Topics and Content

The exam contains question items that cover the areas for the stated role as shown in the KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) chart immediately below. The question items are presented in multiple formats including multiple choice, multiple response, etc. Many questions will present code samples to be evaluated.

Defines and uses classes and methods
Creates classes and subclasses
Creates classes; Creates classes that inherit from super classes; Compiles classes; Identifies compilation process and generated routines; Creates datatype classes; Identifies class types and their purposes; Identifies class definition structure; Documents classes; Imports and exports classes.
Creates and uses class members
Creates class members; Identifies class and member naming rules; Uses class member parameters and attributes; Creates and uses foreign keys.
Creates and uses methods
Defines methods; Specifies method arguments and return type; Uses inherited methods, including callbacks; Calls methods; Passes arguments to methods; Overrides inherited methods; Uses relative dot syntax.
Creates and uses objects
Creates and uses objects
Uses methods to Create/Read/Update/Delete objects; Creates objects to test classes.
Creates and uses complex objects
Uses list and array collection objects; Creates collection properties; Uses stream objects; Creates stream properties.
Uses JSON and XML
Manipulates JSON or XML; Uses JSON Adaptor1 or XML Adaptor to serialize and deserialize objects.
Uses variables and functions
Uses variables and operators
Assigns, displays and destroys variables; Uses multidimensional variables (arrays); Identifies variable naming rules; Uses mathematical and logical operators.
Uses ObjectScript functions
Performs string operations; Performs list operations; Performs date/time operations.
Controls application flow
Uses decision constructs
Uses If constructs; Uses For, While, Do/While.
Implements error control
Uses Try/Catch; Throws and handles exceptions; Uses %Status for error processing; Logs errors.
Accesses and manipulates data
Ensures data integrity
Implements appropriate object concurrency controls – locks, version checking; Describes transaction commit process and concurrency issues.
Accesses and uses globals
Stores values in globals; Deletes global nodes; Retrieves values from globals; Defines globals and subscripts; Iterates over data in globals.
Chooses OOP or SQL for data access
Distinguishes OOP vs SQL for specific design needs; Describes 1:N relationships in OOP and SQL.
Uses SQL for data access
Writes class queries; Uses embedded SQL; Uses dynamic SQL.
Identifies connection options
Identifies connection options such as ODBC/JDBC, REST, and XEP.

1 Feature is only available in InterSystems IRIS 2019.1 and higher.