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EMR-Enabled Digital Transformation & Value-Based Care in New Zealand

eHealthTALK New Zealand

InterSystems TrakCare is a “Foundational Enabler for Value-based Care”

eHealthTalk Listen to the experts

MercyAscot TrakCare project director Sarah Gardner and head of digital health at Healthcare Holdings Ltd Dr Lloyd McCann discuss their virtual go-live with the InterSystems EMR and how this is helping the organization deliver value-based care.

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Sarah Gardner

Sarah Gardner headshot

As General Manager Patient Engagement & Quality, Sarah is responsible for consolidating and enhancing MercyAscot’s reputation as a leading provider of healthcare services. She does this through leadership and delivery of operational support services for Facilities, Customer Support, Hotel Services and the Quality Team. With her focus on transformation and improvement she provides leadership of key organisational change programmes such as the implementation of the integrated Electronic Medical Record (PAS/EMR), business intelligence, and continuous improvement projects through engagement with staff in the accreditation and certification process.

Sarah has held senior change management and governance positions across a range of public sector entities, both in New Zealand and with the NHS in the UK. She has a clinical background in nursing and has completed post graduate studies in risk and project management.

Dr Lloyd McCann

Lloyd McCann

Dr Lloyd McCann is the Chief Executive Officer for Mercy Radiology and Clinics, and is the Head of Digital Health for Healthcare Holdings Limited. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators.

Lloyd worked previously as a Beachheads Advisor for New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and was an Infantry and Reconnaissance Officer in the New Zealand Army Territorial Force. Whilst based in the UK, Lloyd worked as the Medical Director for Harris Corporation, Healthcare Solutions and was an elected member on the TechUK Health and Social care Board as well as a Technical Advisory Group Member for the Global e-Health Ambassadors Programme. He completed a mixed clinical and managerial fellowship at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust in Emergency Medicine and Performance Improvement.

Lloyd has worked across public and private organisations in New Zealand in clinical, consultancy and leadership roles and was recently a member of the Expert Review Panel for the New Zealand’s Ministerial Health and Disability System review. He sits on the Healthcare Services Strategy Advisory Board for the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).

Lloyd is an advocate for the use of digital health and leads a number of programmes leveraging digital technology and digital approaches to enable value-based care.

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