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MVP Health Care Goes Above and Beyond Regulatory Requirements

Female doctor holding laptop discussing patient information with medical team in exam room


CHALLENGE: Inspired by the need to meet the interoperability rules, the not-for-profit health plan is revamping its data strategy and technology capabilities to better serve its 700,000 members in New York and Vermont.

OUTCOME: HealthShare enables MVP to bring data from multiple sources into a unified care record. This single source of truth will foster data collection around the individual and populations.

Healthcare organizations are moving quickly to satisfy new interoperability rules from CMS and ONC. For some, the regulatory requirements serve as a springboard to exceed expectations, creating data-driven experiences for members. But how?

MVP Health Care has an idea. Inspired by the need to meet the interoperability rules, the not-for-profit health plan is revamping its data strategy and technology capabilities to better serve its 700,000 members in New York and Vermont.

“We also looked at this from a holistic perspective and thought about how we can leverage the investments we’re making to really improve the health and wellness of our members,” says Richard French, MVP Health Care’s senior leader for enterprise data management.

Here’s how MVP plans to use data to help its members.

1. Improve quality reporting and measurement

MVP’s mission to improve care requires stronger quality reporting and measurement.

To accomplish this, MVP plans to leverage InterSystems technologies to aggregate a lot of data — from claims to clinical information, such as electronic health records and labs. The partnership empowers MVP to acquire the data they need to streamline processes like HEDIS quality measure reporting.

Using InterSystems HealthShare® and data from multiple sources, members will gain the insights they need to make informed decisions about their health and wellness.

2. Create a 360-degree view of the member

HealthShare enables MVP to bring all that information into a unified care record. This single source of truth will foster data collection around the individual and populations.

What’s more: the unified care record will encompass demographic, genetic, and environmental data to establish a 360-degree view of each member. The resultant insights put MVP in a position to identify and address challenges related to housing, medical appointment transportation, food insecurity, and more.

“That’s what customer-centric organizations do,” Chief Growth Officer Dominick Bizzarro says.

3. Solve patient-matching problems

In the past, MVP used a homegrown solution to perform patient matching. Now, through HealthShare, the health plan generates a true master patient index based on various data types so that everyone gets the care and information they need.

As time progresses, MVP plans to further streamline these processes, opening the door to more efficient analytics and more actionable insights.

4. Choose the Right Partner

No one can navigate the journey toward interoperability and actionable insights alone. When MVP Health Care resolved to invest in building a data-driven, member-centric organization, Bizzarro knew his next move.

“We’re all in,” he recalls. “Let’s work with a partner that recognized we’re going to be in a relationship — a long-term relationship.”

Learn more about why MVP chose InterSystems as a partner in this 5 minute video story.

Dominick Bizzarro
Chief Growth Officer, MVP Health Care


This story originally appeared the HealthShare Connections News Flash No.9 - July 22, 2022


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