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InterSystems HealthShare Patient Index Expands Capabilities to Enhance Accuracy in Patient Record Matching

Patient Record Matching

I’m excited to announce that InterSystems is adding a new feature to the HealthShare Patient Index to provide our customers with additional insight and accuracy when matching their patients’ health records. Our enhanced InterSystems Referential Patient Matching Service will now be powered by LexisNexis® LexID® from LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, giving our customers better visibility into patient records while accounting for common errors and deviations that may exist.

Mis-identified patient records can be costly and time consuming to correct, resulting in billing errors, reduced operational efficiency and direct impact on patient care. Imagine not being able to see a patient’s complete list of allergies because many are linked to a different record.

Today, HealthShare Patient Index is used by customers to do patient matching across multiple systems and products for probabilistic and deterministic matching, significantly reducing the chances for mis-identified records. With LexisNexis LexID, we can take this capability a step further by using one of the nation’s largest referential data sets and multi-patented machine learning algorithms to match identities in patient files. This additional layer will provide clinicians increased confidence that they are seeing patients’ comprehensive medical records, significantly reducing workflows and improving patient care.

We are already seeing some real excitement from existing customers about adding this capability, and we look forward to sharing some of the success stories as the InterSystems Referential Patient Matching Servicebecomes available in the coming months.

Don’t forget to visit our team at the HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition Visit at Booth 1361 | Hall A to see our customers and partners demonstrating how we are advancing digital health, together. For a full list of our activities and offerings at HIMSS, please visit our conference website to learn more or schedule time to discuss how we can create a better future for all.

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