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When is a Containerized Deployment Right for Your Organization?

IT developer with orange headphones looking out their office window, while working on multiple monitors

The business community has been turned upside down as a result of teams adjusting to remote work and shifts in operational processes during the COVID-19 outbreak. This transition has caused a spike in demand for virtual tools which has put new strains on IT infrastructure and the developers in charge of maintaining these applications.

Application updates and maintenance now must be conducted in a matter of hours (rather than days) if developers plan to keep up with today’s on-demand virtual business environment. Failing to do so will lead to outages, frustrated users, and reputational damage. As a result, developer teams must be more efficient and nimble in their work than ever before. But many existing IT systems and development tools have hindered this type of real-time agility. Luckily new solutions - like containers - are altering how organizations approach software development and maintenance, giving developers greater flexibility to execute faster and more efficient workflows.

While containers can provide a variety of benefits to any organization, it’s important to begin by examining a project’s business needs before deciding to move forward, as in some cases existing virtual machine (VM) approaches will suffice.

Check out my latest Data Points podcast episode below.

Read more about the use cases for containers versus VMs in software development environments in my recent article in Container Journal.

Read more blog posts on Data Matters.

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