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Creating the Future of Clinical Research and Post-Approval Insight Using Real-World Data

Real-World Data

Access to real-world health data is essential to improving clinical development and post-market research. Yet few companies have mastered its access and use. That’s why leading pharmaceutical companies, consultants, contract research organizations, medical centers, and hospitals turn to InterSystems. You can read three such examples below.

infographic - Real-World Data via InterSystems
Create a virtuous circle where real-world data, aggregated and delivered by InterSystems, helps drive continuous improvements in research, care, and outcomes.

A Learning Health Network to Support Best Practices and Improve Outcomes

A multinational biotech company with more than $10 billion in revenue uses InterSystems to create a unified care record that provides a complete clinical view of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients. It combines live electronic medical record (EMR) data from multiple sites with device, patient-reported, and imaging data.

Analysis of the combined data helps build a detailed picture of which MS patient profiles correspond to the highest efficacy for a given treatment. This information is delivered to physicians at the point of care, who use it to better engage their patients and improve results by tailoring treatment to their specific characteristics. The system supports a continuous learning loop that has advanced the standard of care and improved outcomes.

Demonstrating Product Effectiveness and the Role of Patient Behavior

Another multi-national pharmaceutical company created a device that tracks drug dosage, timing, and usage history. The device records this information, with patient consent, and then it is combined with real-time data from the patient’s medical record. The analysis of this real-world information – running on InterSystems technology – helps the company determine and demonstrate the effectiveness of its product, and each patient’s compliance to a treatment protocol. The results also help improve business and outcomes by providing:

  • Proof that the drug is effective if taken as prescribed
  • Data on the best dosing practices for the drug
  • Information that helps care managers target non-compliant patients with assistance to stay on track with the therapy

Real-World Clinical Data Helps CRO Determine Site Feasibility

Access to real-time, real-world data can dramatically improve feasibility studies, lowering the cost of trial recruitment and improving the likelihood of success. One of the world’s leading contract research organizations (CRO) uses InterSystems technology to access and search EMRs against its trial inclusion and exclusion criteria. The result is a quick determination that the site does or does not have a large enough patient population to support recruitment goals.

The system accommodates differences in how providers may record information, or its absence, with the ability to make inferences on a patient’s trial suitability based on a wide range of related data in the EMR. Insight into this and other accessible data enables real-time feasibility decisions, supports adaptive trials, and enables improved decisions by the clinical operations teams.

InterSystems can also streamline recruitment for identified study participants by embedding recruitment tools directly in the physician workflow.

InterSystems Global Presence in Health & Life Sciences

Since 1978, InterSystems has been at the heart of the healthcare information ecosystem. InterSystems powers many of the world’s largest health information networks, such as Healthix, which aggregates clinical data for more than 17 million people in New York state. Companies such as Epic, Quest, LabCorp, Covance, and Roche Diagnostics have created some of the world’s most important healthcare applications using our software. Leading consulting firms, such as Deloitte and PwC, use our products to deliver solutions for clinical trials, data access, and analysis. Health information is who we are. And it is our mission to make it work better for you.

  • More than 1 billion health records worldwide are managed using InterSystems technology
  • Customers in over 80 countries
  • Nearly all U.S. academic medical centers are InterSystems customers
  • InterSystems customers make up the top 10 of the 2020-21 US News World and Report Honor Roll and 2/3 of the Newsweek World’s Best Hospitals 2021
  • Two-thirds of Americans receive care where InterSystems technology plays a key role
  • Two of the three major EHR products that Gartner calls “Global Solutions” run on InterSystems technology
  • In 2020, InterSystems was recognized as a Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Operational Database Management Systems (ODBMS),1 and as a Visionary in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems (DBMS)2
  • Named 2021 Best in KLAS for Interoperability Platforms

Take the Next Step
Learn more about how InterSystems can help you reach your goals. Contact us at 1-617-370-4580, or use our online contact form at: Visit for more on our role in clinical research.


1 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Gartner or its affiliates. 2 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems. Published 23 November 2020. Analysts: Donald Feinberg, Merv Adrian, Rick Greenwald, Adam Ronthal, Henry Cook.

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