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InterSystems CCR Technical Implementation Specialist

CCR, Tier 1, Change Control, Source Control, HealthShare, HealthShare Implementation

The InterSystems CCR Technical Implementation Specialist exam is designed to validate core skills for implementers who use CCR to manage application development projects.

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Exam Details

Target Exam Role

InterSystems CCR Technical Implementation Specialist

A development professional who:

  • Uses Tier 1 CCRs to document and process change workflow
  • Makes code changes in their Integrated Development Environment of choice
  • Makes changes to interoperability components in the Management Portal
  • Transports/Deploys code changes to environments

Recommended Preparation

Recommended Practical Experience

  • Independently progress at least 20 CCRs and/or approximately 6 months full-time usage

Exam Parameters

Number of questions: 86
Exam time limit: 2 hours
Passing score: 66%
Language offered: English

Exam Topics and Content

The exam contains question items that cover the areas for the stated role as shown in the KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) chart immediately below. The question items are presented in multiple formats including multiple choice, multiple response, etc.

General Concepts
Describes basic change control concepts
Defines change control as a concept; Discusses the benefits of change control and the risks of not having it; Defines source control alone and in the context of change control; Names tips for successful use of change control
Describes change control with InterSystems
Describes change control tools used within InterSystems including CCR and Perforce
Describes CCR and its main concepts
Defines CCR First Principles; Identifies the workflow order between the 4 possible CCR Primary environments; Defines the term CCR Transport and describes the movement of changes between environments, CCR, and Perforce; Defines the terms Perforce branch, Item and ItemSet; Describes CCR Usage Tiers and gives examples
Performs basic tasks in CCR
Navigates the CCR homepage, main menu, and main pages; Accesses documentation and FAQs; Defines the terms State, Phase, and Transition
CCR Tier 0
Progresses a Tier 0 CCR
Defines the terms Organization, Responsible Organization, Site Code, System, and System Code; Creates a Tier 0 CCR Record; Describes use of fields available when creating a CCR; Documents every state from In_PREP to Closed in a BASE-TEST-LIVE workflow including peer reviews; Performs the markPREPComplete transition; Identifies the workflow for failPeerReview; Performs the markAcceptanceFailed; Describes markValidationFailed transition, including best practices; Describes the importance of Peer Reviews; Describes the importance of closing CCRs; Implements and tests changes in correct states of the workflow; Locates and uses CCR Transition History; Uses the <env> token in URLs
Uses Auxiliary Tools and Transitions
Reassigns CCRs; Describes the effect of Peer Review routing configuration options including System Architects and Default Peer Reviewers; Performs merge transitions and interprets results; Performs cancel transitions and interprets results
CCR Transport
Describes CCR Transport Basics
Describes CCR Client Tools and updates them; Describes CCR Transport workflows for disconnected environments, including uploading ItemSets from BASE to CCR and deploying ItemSets from CCR to TEST/LIVE; Deploys ItemSets using best practices; Describes the automatic preview integration on passPeerReview transition; Identifies states and transitions with possible Perforce and/or ItemSet activity; Uses CCR Transport best practices including the importance of canceling CCRs properly
Describes CCR Transport Tools and terminology in the CCR Record
Defines the term changelist; Locates and identifies available meta data for submitted changes; Logs into Perforce in CCR; Describes diff chunks and merge conflicts; Finds and interprets list of ItemSets associated with a CCR; Describes the source workspace; Defines and identifies the importance of baselining
Describes CCR best practices and debugging techniques
Uses Catch-up CCRs; Uses the revision history; Locates and interprets error messages; Uses transport log to find more information about an error; Identifies cause and solution for merge conflicts; Identifies cause and solution for misalignment; Back out of changes; Identifies and describes how to resolve errors in bundle and upload validation; Describes options if uploaded to wrong CCR
CCR Tier 1
Uses Tier 1 CCRs to safely progress changes made in an IDE
Identifies when to checkout items; Uses Source Control Menu in an IDE to checkout, add, diff, and revert changes; Describes the workflow for bundle and upload ItemSet; Identifies how and when to deploy ItemSets in workflow; Identifies key differences between Tier 0 and Tier 1 CCRs in documentation and workflow
Uses ImplementCCR routines, CCR event handlers for automating deployment
Identifies use cases for an ImplementCCR routines and CCR event handlers; Creates an implement CCR routine using the correct naming convention
Uses %buildccr functions in code
Identifies and uses %buildccr functions in code
Describes key considerations for working with interoperability components and CCR
Describes best practices for code shared across namespaces; Solves necessary differences between environments
Demonstrates how to use Management Portal Source Control hooks for interoperability components
Uses system default settings; Identifies interoperability components with Management Portal hooks; Identifies and describes Management Portal hook menus; Describes procedure for working with Productions v2019.4+ and pre-v2019.4; Describes additional considerations for productions v2019.4+ (temporarily start/stop/restart components, undo, color coding for source of values); Works with items that are exportable but do not have Management Portal hooks; Works with items that are available in Studio but do not have Management Portal hooks
Identifies key considerations for CCR workflows in HealthShare
Describes use cases for secondary environments; Identifies components of HealthShare that can be maintained in source control; Identifies difficulties of working with HealthShare configuration and settings; Describes how to work with HealthShare Patient Index linkage definitions
Effectively and safely uses secondary environments
Describes behavior of secondary environments; Deploys ItemSets to secondary environments; Identifies configuration options for secondary BASE environments