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Advisory: Time Zone Offsets not Applied to FHIR Resources

March 1, 2022 – Advisory: Time Zone Offsets not Applied to FHIR Resources

In HealthShare Unified Care Record 2020.2, an enhanced Time Zone handling feature was introduced that includes time-zone offsets. Due to a defect in the SDA-to-FHIR transformations, the offsets are not reflected in version 2020.2 Operational Data Store (ODS) FHIR endpoints. The result of this defect can be an inaccuracy of several hours in FHIR resource timestamps due to incorrect Time Zone offsets.

The correction for this defect is identified as IF-1745/HSIEC-5712 and was included in HealthShare 2021.1 and all future product releases. It is also available via Ad hoc change file (patch) or full kit distribution from the Worldwide Response Center (WRC).