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HealthShare Unified Care Record Technical Specialist

HealthShare Unified Care Record, HealthShare implementation, HealthShare support

The HealthShare Unified Care Record Technical Specialist exam is designed to validate core skills for technical professionals who implement, extend and manage all aspects of HealthShare Unified Care Record.

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Exam Details

Target Exam Role

HealthShare Unified Care Record Technical Specialist
An IT implementation professional who leads the technical implementation of HealthShare Unified Care Record based on requirements generated by the system design by the project’s technical architect.

Recommended Preparation

Recommended Practical Experience

  • One completed Unified Care Record implementation, version 15.x – 2022.x
  • Health Connect interfacing experience
  • ObjectScript proficiency

Exam Parameters

Number of questions: 76

Exam time limit: 2 hours

Passing score: 63%

Language offered: English

Exam Topics and Content

The exam contains question items that cover the areas for the stated role as shown in the KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) chart immediately below. The question items are presented in two formats: multiple choice and multiple response.

Installs Unified Care Record
Makes pre-installation decisions based on technical architecture document
Interprets solution architecture document; Identifies connectivity options for data receipt
Installs software and Unified Care Record components
Installs software and license key to target environments; Installs Unified Care Record components with wizards; Activates Unified Care Record components
Performs post-installation configuration
Configures production components; Configures external communication; Selects pool sizes for production components; Starts and stops Unified Care Record; Configures MPI connectivity
Upgrades existing installation
Prepares Edge gateways for upgrade; Upgrades Productions with Installer: Access, Edge, Registry; Confirms upgrade in log files; Reactivates productions; Preserves custom code and layouts


Implements Unified Care Record

Implements consent policy decisions
Configures consent policies – system, facility, and patient; Configures consent groups; Assigns users to consent groups; Configures clinical information qualifiers, types and rules; Configures consent options
Implements Clinical Message Delivery
Creates delivery filters, options, relationships and transformations; Enrolls clinicians; Creates subscriptions; Determines subscription basis; Creates dynamic cohorts1; Creates custom report(s) with patient data
Implements IHE
Enables and configures IHE production components; Tests IHE connections with IHE test utility; Transforms CDA data to support IHE
Extends and Customizes Unified Care Record
Configures Unified Care Record data feeds
Implements prebuilt adapters or custom business components for messaging; Creates routing rules; Defines data transformations; Creates custom DTL and business host pipelines; Uses HealthShare customization coding best practices; Adds Message Routers; Configures services for message routing
Extends SDA for custom data elements
Extends existing SDA objects via extension classes; Creates custom SDA containers and streamlets
Customizes terminology
Loads code sets; Adds default code set for incoming data; Creates/Loads a terminology translation map; Sets up code registry; Creates code system profiles; Specifies default coding systems – Access Gateway transforms; Configures terminology translation
Customizes clinical user interfaces2
Customizes patient search page; Customizes Clinical Viewers, including chartbooks, charts, chart items, and patient banners; Adds custom SDA object as a field in a chart; Customizes Clinical Navigation display; Describes what customizations can be done using CSS vs. ISC tools
Administers Unified Care Record
Manages reporting
Uses Management Reports; Builds custom reports
Manages registries
Views Gateway Registry; Views/Adds to Facility Registry; Views/Adds to Assigning Authority Registry; Manages cohorts in Cohort Registry3; Views/Adds Service Registry; Views/Adds/Edits Configuration Registry
Manages users and roles
Defines users, roles and privileges; Uses pre-defined roles; Creates custom roles; Manages access to patient data via roles/policies; Implements federated authentication and authentication domains; Manages users
Supports Unified Care Record
Traces patient data flow through productions
Sends sample data to Unified Care Record; Identifies key production components in data flow; Uses Visual Trace for troubleshooting; Investigates missing data
Interprets messaging through productions
Identifies key messages in data flow; Determines troubleshooting entry point when message tracing; Identifies custom vs. standard code; Identifies custom code that should not be present
Uses tools for troubleshooting
Interprets event log entries; Interprets alert messages; Uses Production Monitor for troubleshooting; Uses business rule log

1 In versions 2019.1 and higher, smart programs have been renamed to dynamic cohorts.
2 Both v1 Clinical Viewer and v2 Clinical Viewer (introduced 2018.1) and their respective tools are covered in this exam.
3 In versions 2019.1 and higher, program groups and Program Registry have been renamed to cohorts and Cohort Registry respectively.