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OnTrak News Flash No.7

March 3, 2021

From the Desk of Dimitri Fane

Welcome to the first OnTrak Newsletter of 2021. I’d like to start off by expressing my respect and admiration to all of our clients who spent most of last year working tirelessly to support their patients in what must be one of the toughest years on record. We are honored to have been able to support you and serve you, and it’s been a great pleasure being able to share a little bit of what you’ve done with InterSystems TrakCare during this period.

In this issue of OnTrak News Flash we’re sharing some information on work we’re doing around COVID-19 vaccination scheduling. Vaccinating the world’s population is the key public health challenge of 2021 and brings with it enormous logistical challenges. We’ve worked with key clients to design a solution that we believe will help in situations where our customers are responsible for vaccinating citizens in a given area. If your organization may benefit from a similar solution we’d be interested in discussing further.

We continue to see explosive growth around Telehealth and virtual care and recently Sultan Qaboos University Hospital in Oman went live with a Telehealth solution utilizing TrakCare fully integrated with Google Meet. This is a fully integrated solution that allows SQUH to better serve their patients and we’re delighted that they’ve agreed to share the story. We’re also including stories on other interesting projects as well as welcoming our newest TrakCare clients.

Finally, please read carefully the announcement below relating to the naming convention used for TrakCare’s releases. This is the next step for us in our journey to release new functionality faster and brings the naming convention in line with how we are now delivering product changes. We’re releasing new functionality faster than ever before and providing more flexibility to our clients in terms of how they allocate their resources for testing and adoption of new functionality. The new naming convention reflects this and we think helps clarify how our release process works.

Thank you again for your attention and support and as always I’d love to hear from you if you have any questions or concerns or if you’re working on something you think we should feature in a future version of this newsletter.

In This Newsletter:


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